Gin Eva Old Tom 0.7l
Stefan Winterling, der Winzersohn aus der Pfalz, war schon immer beseelt von der Idee, einen Gin zu brennen. In seiner Bodega auf Mallorca gelang ihm das Experiment, nachdem er lange nach dem richtigen Basismaterial gesucht hatte: Wachholderbüsche direkt am Meer, die dem Brand die unvergleichliche, würzige, leicht salzige Note verleihen.
Artisan Old Tom Gin
When Jerry Thomas wrote the first Cocktail book of all time in 1860, there was no London Dry Gin style. The first Gin Cocktails were all mixed with Old Tom Gin – usually kept in old barrels and slightly sweetened.
Admitting that we have never tried producing an original Old Tom style gin , our approach is the fruit of our imagination. We went back to the roots and barrelled our signature Gin for several months in old Mallorcan red wine barrels.
The result is an amber coloured Gin. Juniper, Citrus and Oak are balanced, with a slight sweetness which makes it bold and round.
A great sipping Gin, it goes extremely well with Vermouth and Bitters and you really should get a copy of Jerry Thomas “The Bon-Vivants Companion” and try one of his Vintage Cocktails like the Martinez.
Alk 43%